Tarot & Oracle Books and Decks

The Starseed Oracle: A 53-Card Deck and Guidebook

By Rebecca Campbell

Why I loved this:

Connect with cosmic intelligence and awaken the Starseed within you with this enchanting oracle deck. It’s designed to guide you through life’s challenges and opportunities, revealing the infinite possibilities of the universe.

Wisdom del Alma: 44 Affirmation Cards to Activate Your Inner Diosa

By Christine Gutierrez

Why I loved this:

Embrace the divine feminine energy that resides within you with these powerful affirmation cards. Each card is a reminder of your strength, beauty, and power, guiding you to live with passion and purpose.

Ask Your Guides Oracle Cards

By Ira Byock

Why I loved this:

Open a channel of communication with your spiritual guides using this oracle deck. It offers clarity and guidance, helping you navigate life’s path with the wisdom and insight of your celestial guardians.

The Soul's Journey Lesson Cards: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook

By James Van Praagh

Why I loved this:

Embark on a journey of spiritual growth and discovery with these insightful lesson cards. They offer profound reflections on life’s lessons and challenges, guiding you toward a deeper understanding of your soul’s purpose.

The Wild Unknown Alchemy Deck and Guidebook

By Kim Krans

Why I loved this:

Transform your perspective on life’s mysteries with the Wild Unknown Alchemy Deck. This set invites you to explore the ancient art of alchemy, unlocking secrets to personal transformation and enlightenment.

The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck and Guidebook (Official Keepsake Box Set)

By Kim Krans

Why I loved this:

Navigate the twists and turns of life with the Wild Unknown Tarot Deck. This set provides a modern interpretation of traditional tarot, offering insights and guidance to illuminate your path forward.

The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck and Guidebook (Official Keepsake Box Set)

By Kim Krans

Why I loved this:

Connect with the spirits of the animal kingdom through this mystical deck. Each card draws its power from the essence of the animal it represents, offering unique insights and guidance for your life’s journey.

How to Be a Wildflower Deck

By Katie Daisy

Why I loved this:

Let the beauty of wildflowers inspire you to live freely and bloom where you are planted. This deck is a celebration of nature’s simplicity and the joy it brings to our lives, perfect for anyone seeking a breath of fresh air

Mystic Mondays: The Cosmic Creatures Deck: A Deck and Guidebook to Connect to the Wilderness Within

By Grace Duong

Why I loved this:

Embark on a mystical journey with 'The Cosmic Creatures Deck' to reconnect with the wilderness within and around you. Each of the 66 beautifully illustrated cards invites you to explore the attributes of creatures from land, sea, and sky, offering unique insights into life's mysteries and your personal power.

The Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck and Guidebook

By Kim Krans

Why I loved this:

Dive deep into the collective unconscious with 'The Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck'. This guidebook and deck set is a portal to understanding the universal themes and forces that play a role in our lives, encouraging profound self-discovery and enlightenment through its captivating imagery.

The Motherpeace Round Tarot Deck: 78-Card Deck

By Karen Vogel

Why I loved this:

'The Motherpeace Round Tarot Deck' is more than just a tarot deck; it's a journey into a matriarchal spiritual heritage. Its circular cards and powerful, inclusive imagery offer a unique and transformative perspective on traditional tarot, fostering empowerment and intuitive insights.

Everyday Tarot Mini Tarot Deck

By Grace Duong

Why I loved this:

Perfect for tarot enthusiasts on the go, 'The Everyday Tarot Mini Deck' combines the timeless wisdom of tarot with a sleek, modern design. This compact deck is ideal for daily guidance, helping you tap into your intuition and manifest your goals, no matter where you are.

By Brigit Esselmont

The Modern Witch Tarot Deck

By Lisa Sterle

Why I loved this:

The Modern Witch Tarot Deck' is a vibrant reimagining of traditional tarot for today's world. Celebrating diversity and empowerment, this deck is perfect for anyone looking to bring a touch of magic into their everyday life, offering insights with a contemporary twist.

Thoth Tarot Deck: 78-Card Tarot Deck

By Aleister Crowley

Why I loved this:

The Thoth Tarot Deck, with its rich, esoteric imagery, is a treasure trove of ancient wisdom. Designed by Aleister Crowley, this deck serves as a key to unlocking the deepest aspects of the self and the universe, making it a must-have for serious students of the occult.

The Intuitive Night Goddess Tarot: Deck and Guidebook

By Grace Duong

Why I loved this:

Explore the divine feminine and the mysteries of the night with 'The Intuitive Night Goddess Tarot'. This deck and guidebook invite you on a journey of self-reflection, empowerment, and discovery through the phases of the moon and the shadowy depths of the subconscious.

By Linzi Silverman

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The Akashic Tarot: A 62-Card Deck and Guidebook

By Glennon Doyle, Sandra Anne Taylor & Sharon Anne Klingler

Why I loved this:

Unlock the secrets of the Akashic Records and gain insights into your soul's journey with 'The Akashic Tarot'. This unique deck provides a powerful tool for exploring past lives, understanding current challenges, and revealing future possibilities.