May’s Akashic Insight
A monthly channeled message from Cassandra’s guides in the Akashic Records
Welcoming your Overture
This month we recognize that humanity is on a precipice of an overture. Some say starting over. Some say a new beginning. We say it’s the beginning of something truly special.
The overture is also the beginning to a beautiful symphony, ballet or other musical masterpiece.
You are in the season of your own overture. What does your overture sound like? What does it evoke in you? How does it make you feel, be or do?
Understanding what this overture is (a beginning) is a crucial step in the direction of what you are beginning to birth, What you are currently working on, and what you long to bring to life.
The cycle of the overture is systematic. It brings us into the scene. It brings us into the drama. It can feel soft, subtle, almost translucent… but it can also bring the drama, the fanfare, and set the tone for something exquisitely complex. Your choice. There is a beautiful range between the soft and the dramatic, and you are the masterpiece in this creation.
What are you teasing out? What have you started, or dreaming of starting, or just starting (and perhaps stopping) but need that energy of the symphony to back you up and keep you going? Or perhaps where do you need to turn up the tempo, the volume, the dramatics in your life?
To that question we ask, who is your symphony? Who is your musical accompaniment helping you to create this beautiful art/song/dance/creation/opera/project/beginning? Who do you have in your corner cheering you on? Creating the space and/or holding it? We can help you, Cassandra can help you, and of course, you need to be the one to make the choice to jump all in.
Jump into the depths of this masterpiece. You are the creation. You are creating the magic. You are creating and recreating yourself over and over again… that is the beauty of this human life. If something doesn’t work out the way you wanted to, you get to start again. This is not failure, my friends, this is what the story is all about. Recreation, redemption, renewal, and at times remorse. All are welcomed in your symphony. All are welcome.
Giving yourself the time you need to write this symphony, whatever it looks like, however it sounds, whatever you want it to be. Just begin.
Cassandra has a quote on her desk that says, “you don’t have to get it right, you just have to get going” yet we know she still drags her feet too. It is ok. This is permissible. We are only calling this to your attention because we want you to know there is no perfect way to be. Perfection is an illusion. The timing will never be fully right, even under the most “perfect” circumstances. Write your story now. As we said before, we are here to help. Tap in to your Akashic Records and ask for clarity, guidance and support. Cassandra is here to help support and guide you along the way, holding your hand and being the cheerleader that she is. We are glad that you are here to create this beautiful creation of who you really are.
You are deserving. You are divine. You are here to create beauty. Now let’s get going.
We love you
The Council of Light
(Cassandra’s Akashic Guides)